Piper roller home page
skate wheel technology

Neal Piper

The Man

The Myth

The Legend


  • Voo Doo Thane
  • Cannibal Speed Wheels
  • Strada Road Wheels
  • Wicked Lip Speed Wheels
  • Jive Speed Wheels
  • Rolo Outdoor Wheels
  • Revo’s Dance Wheels
  • Headhunter Speed Wheels
  • Many More…
Piper Legend Firm

Voo Doo Thane:
Replicated and Copied…Never Duplicated!

Neal Piper has a special place for quad wheels. He first made quad wheels in 1987 (click here to learn more) after leaving Kryptonics and going to work for the Hyper Corporation where he developed and produced nearly every top quad wheel between 1987 and 1992. One of his greatest accomplishments in quad wheel design and development is the renowned Cannibal speed wheels. His heritage runs deep, producing such brand and products as Wicked Lips, Rollo outdoor, Mundo/Super Mundo outdoor, Pista outdoor, Strada outdoor, Revo Dance, Tracer Figure, Headhunter speed, Witchdoctors speed and so much more.

Neal is digging into his arsenal, redesigning and developing quad wheels to retain his roller heritage along with adding technical advantages to enhance product performance.


To create the most inspiring wheel brand in the world through innovation and design content with long-lasting quality.
Provide customers with quality service that is always prompt and professional.
Support the brand with differentiated image in line with our vision.


To inspire every skater that wants to be better, go faster. Concentrated on high-level and top-end wheels, made with a distinctive brand that conveys enjoyment.


Quality, Sophistication,
Performance. Trust.

Years of consistency, producing many of the worlds fastest wheels are the result of a deep commitment to racing competitions; they are the purest expression of refined skill, distinctive design and above all a great passion for wheels.